A warm welcome to West Kirby Primary School. Our next Open Days are Saturday 9th November (10am) and Tuesday 12th November (9am, 1pm and 3:45pm). Please contact the School Office to book a place.

Home School Agreement

Home School Agreement 

At West Kirby Primary School our aim is to create a happy, caring community where all members are included, secure and confident, have an equal opportunity to fulfil their potential and to develop the skills necessary to make a valuable contribution to society, both now and in the future.


West Kirby Primary School Agreement - WKPS will do its best to...

  • Support your child’s wellbeing and safety by providing a safe, supportive and caring environment
  • Teach and encourage your child to always do their best and achieve their full potential 
  • Monitor and communicate with parents and carers regularly on your child’s progress
  • Provide a broad and balanced curriculum that caters for all children.
  • Promote high standards of behaviour so we can maintain a safe environment for all children
  • Offer your child opportunities to develop a sense of responsibility, form healthy social relationships and build their self-esteem
  • Be welcoming and offer opportunities for parents and carers to get involved in school life
  • Communicate between home and school through newsletters, email, the school website and Twitter.
  • Be approachable, treat all parents equally and aim to respond to communications from parents in a timely manner, following school policies
  • Encourage good attendance and address any concerns with parents or carers where necessary
  • Commit to continuous development and school improvement.


Parent/Carer’s Agreement - I/We will do my/our best to...

  • Make sure my child attends school regularly and on time. I will notify the school if my child will be absent
  • Only request leave of absence in term time for exceptional circumstances
  • Make sure my child is dressed in the correct uniform and wears their PE kit to school when necessary
  • Support the school to make sure my child maintains a consistently high standard of behaviour
  • Encourage my child to try their best so that they can reach their full potential
  • Communicate to the school any concerns that I have about my child that may affect their behaviour in school or ability to learn
  • Make sure communication with the school is respectful, and that I make every reasonable effort to address my communications to the appropriate member of staff
  • Understand that I should communicate with staff during core school hours. Staff may occasionally respond outside of these hours, but it cannot be expected.
  • Make sure that my child completes any Home Learning on time, and raise any issues that my child has with their teachers
  • Read and follow the school’s policies
  • Treat all members of the school community with care and respect at all times
  • Engage in Parent Evenings, Parent Information Sessions and Parent Workshops to work together with the school in order to achieve the best outcomes for my child
  • Read all communications sent home by the school and respond where necessary
  • Sign up to Marvellous Me to support my child’s learning
  • Work in partnership with school


Pupil Agreement - Pupil - I will do my best to…

  • Follow our school values (Welcoming, Kind, Polite and Successful)
  • Be friendly and caring towards other children and adults
  • Arrive at school on time (8:40am) and ready to learn
  • Try my best to do my work and ask for help if I need it
  • Wear the correct school uniform and wear my PE kit to school when I need it
  • Bring all the equipment I need each day – water bottle. Book bag, reading books
  • Return any books that I borrow from the library
  • Listen to instructions from the adults at school and follow the school rules
  • Complete any Home Learning set – e.g. reading, spelling, mathletics
  • Take good care of the school equipment, school environment and living things.