A warm welcome to West Kirby Primary School. Our next Open Days are Saturday 9th November (10am) and Tuesday 12th November (9am, 1pm and 3:45pm). Please contact the School Office to book a place.

Specific Support

Health is a holistic concept. All areas of our well-being will have an impact across our whole self. Your child may be finding it difficult to control their emotions because they are exhausted, for example. The plethora of well-being advice available can seem overwhelming though, so this section is to provide targeted advice and support about particular well-being concerns. 
Support for Anger
Support for Anxiety
Support for Bereavement

Sudden Bereavement Helpline: 0800 2600 400

Support for Depression
Support for Emotional Regulation
Support for Mental Health
Support for Physical Health
Support for Resilience
Support for Sleep
Support for Stress
Support for Trauma